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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

We're an Official Monarch Waystation! has awarded our Freedom Butterfly Garden with a Certificate of Appreciation for our work in support of monarch butterflies.  We are Waystation #  9563.

To celebrate we did what any gardener would do:  we had a Garden Pah-tay!

We weeded and seeded, and just enjoyed the fine day and each other.

This is what we call "getting into your work."
Johnny Appleseed has nothing on Claire!

Look for this sign to be featured in our garden sometime in the near future.

When our caterpillars hatch, we'll be ready!

 If you'd like to learn more about the importance of waystations in supporting the monarch's migration or you want to learn how you can provide such a waystation, see Mickey's article, Support Your Local Monarchs!